Saturday, November 29, 2014

Spinx Carolina Marathon Race Recap - AKA How To Regroup & Enjoy The Run

(Yes this recap has taken me five weeks to write. What can I say? Life happens. In any case, please enjoy.)

Happy to have Marathon No. 5 in the books!
This race did not turn out to be what I had hoped and planned for it to be.

At. All.

The Spinx Carolina Marathon was to be my flat (or at least flatter) marathon. I was supposed to PR. Not only was I supposed to PR, but I was to smash it as I aimed for a time between 4:30-4:35.

But alas, none of that was to be.

The Spinx Carolina Marathon was my worst marathon time-wise, so no PR by rather a PW by nearly 26 minutes. The course wasn't as flat as I led myself it to be.

Yet, in spite of it all, I made the most of it and enjoyed the run.

After all, how could I not? It was a GORGEOUS day for a run. The scenery along the course was beautiful. And I had the best support crew (a.k.a. my lovely bride Genople) waiting for me at the finish line.